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Ecologically and economically sustainable

Sustainability is omnipresent, but in everyday life, it is often presented in a somewhat reduced form – purely ecologically – which does not fully capture the breadth of the term. Sustainability is a process-oriented concept that fundamentally describes anything designed with long-term viability in mind. Behaviour patterns, business relationships, products, solutions, and so on are considered sustainable if they are stable, future-proof, and resilient. It is about permanence, the willingness to act morally and sensibly – in relation to both ecological and economic sustainability.

Conservation rather than greenwashing

In the events industry, as in all sectors, there are those who, while not genuinely committed to morally responsible practices, still label everything as “sustainable.”

For example, if you were to purchase exhibition stands mass-produced in Asia, the ecological footprint from global transportation would be unnecessarily high; furthermore, these stands are not produced under the stringent EU regulations that demand a high level of ecological sustainability. At ExpoCloud, there is no greenwashing – instead, from summer/autumn 2024, we will have ISO 20121 certification, which attests that ExpoCloud’s rental exhibition stands meet this standard defining "sustainable event management."

Our project managers will keep you updated on the progress of this certification.

To your project team

Sustainability in Events

Diversity for the climate

The factor of ecological sustainability encompasses numerous aspects. The points of focus and arguments are almost limitless when delving into the details: this is hardly surprising, given that live communication is the most elaborate of all marketing disciplines. Planning, executing, analysing, and optimising events is a cycle that demands a great deal of attention and care if climate protection is to be genuinely implemented.


ExpoCloud is the vehicle, your "enabler," for maximum sustainability. The ecosystem contributes to ecological sustainability with all its components: high-quality rental exhibition stands, highly efficient exhibition logistics, an energy-positive "service hub" (logistics centre), and short transport routes across Europe. ExpoCloud explicitly promotes nature and climate protection.

Sustainability in its entirety: Processes and finances

In addition to ecological and economic sustainability, financial and procedural aspects must also be considered for a holistic approach. The ExpoCloud ecosystem is based on a systemic approach that views the entire event cycle holistically: this 360-degree perspective also encompasses the following arguments within the context of sustainable exhibition management.